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Write a paragraph on the internet- IELTS Essay Samples

Updated on 13 April, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

a paragraph on the internet

In IELTS writing task 2, a student is asked to write an essay description in at least 250 words. This exercise assesses your ability to respond by providing an opinion, discussing the topic, summarizing the details, outlining the problems, and identifying the possible solutions from your own knowledge and experience.

Here are the essay samples for the topic- Write a paragraph on the internet. You can approach this topic from multiple angles. You can highlight the pros and cons of the internet or you can adopt the style of a narrator in order to describe how the internet has changed our lives. Here are some samples to help you get the idea.

Write a Paragraph on the Internet: Sample 1

The internet has changed our lives undisputedly and in multifarious ways. We cannot deny that it has made life simpler and easier in diverse areas. Firstly, the internet has made it easier to communicate with each other, thereby increasing the speed and ease of communication, connecting lives and regions throughout the world, enabling easier dissemination of information, and also enhancing overall productivity in terms of getting the work done. 

Can you imagine a scenario where there is no internet? A place where you have to repeatedly place phone calls to associates to get the message across? or a time where you rely on letter to pass your message which takes days to reach the recipient. The internet has made it possible for us to send emails with ease or even engage in video calls or internet calls on different connectivity platforms. It has given us the liberty to express our opinions, engage with entire communities, and also maintain our relationships using different social networking sites and applications. 

It has enabled us to get more work done at a fast pace. It has made us more proactive and we can now easily access all the information we desire with just few clicks. It has also contributed towards more avenues for knowledge-gathering, education, mentorship, awareness, marketing, entertainment- you name it and it has achieved the impossible in super-quick time. I would like to conclude by stating that without the internet, it is not possible to imagine the present modern life. 

Tentative band score: 6.5

Word Count: 248

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Write a Paragraph on the Internet: Sample 2

The internet has been possibly the biggest game-changer for civilization in the recent era. The year 2000 has propelled the world and its residents towards further progress, pushing the boundaries of human possibility, knowledge, and decision-making to stratospheric levels. 

It is inconceivable to imagine our lives operating at the same speed at which it did before. This pertains to communication systems, relationships, productivity, assignments, and a lot more. The internet has also ushered in the era of data or knowledge. Everything we wish to know is now accessible and this democratizes information for the masses. Someone rightly said that data is the new oil and it will be the case in the near future. The internet has made it possible to gather updates, express opinions, maintain relationships, indulge one’s passions/interests and also get more work done swiftly. It is all part of a day’s work today. And the best part is that there are no geographical barriers anymore. 

This era is one of communication, information, and speed. The internet is the biggest harbinger of the same. Naturally, it will ultimately take us on the path towards further advancement, innovation, problem-solving, and ultimately a better future. Of course, there are issues with every good thing in life; even the internet may have led to rise in crime, fraud, trolling, and other aspects. However, the positives simply outstrip the negatives, and by a massive margin at that.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is internet in short paragraph?

The internet stands for Interconnected network. It is the largest global communication network and platform.There are innumerable networks with varying information pertaining to education, business, government, community and other sectors.

Why is the internet important ?

The internet gives us the ability to easily disseminate and share ideas and thoughts throughout the world. The internet keeps us connected and enables better communication, work, and implementation of tasks along with information access. The internet has broken down all the global barriers successfully.

Important IELTS Exam Resources

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IELTS is required to be taken by international students and workers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language of communication. Know the complete details./

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Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

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