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How To Make An Online Business Successful? [9 Realistic Methods]

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How To Make An Online Business Successful? [9 Realistic Methods]

Knowing how to make an online business successful is important, as an online presence includes all the activities a business or brand undertakes online. Any content created online, including their website, social media or email accounts, customer care chatbots, videos, press, and more, establishes the brand’s presence and identity on the online medium. Read on if you’re wondering how to make an online business successful.

Building an Online Presence is the need of the hour

The 21st Century is often touted as the digital marketing era. The one where brands must adapt to digital mediums to reach their audience. In the Middle East alone, 147 million people out of 246 million are internet users today. It is a 47% year-on-year increase from 2016 to 2021. And this number is only expected to grow, owing to the improvements in digital infrastructure. 

According to a report by Statista, the total retail e-commerce sales worldwide increased to more than $4.2 trillion in 2020. In the Middle East, consumer demand spiked, and e-commerce companies experienced a boom in sales. The result – a $22 billion valuation at the end of 2020. 

But what do these numbers tell us? The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about changes in consumer behavior expected to stick around for the times to come. One of them being consumers acclimatizing themselves to digital platforms. With so many people moving online, businesses must ask how to make an online business successful.

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How to build a robust online presence for your business?

It would be easy to assume that a website and social media are the most effective digital platforms to build a presence. But there are several ways through which businesses can stay connected with their audience via the internet. 

1. Put your website first

Are you surprised to see website on the list before social media? That’s because having a website is essential, irrespective if your business is big or small. If you’re wondering how to set up an eCommerce business, a website is your best bet. Your website may look very basic, but it must contain all the key information a customer would search for. This information could include your brand’s legacy, what you do, how you help customers, contact details, location, and any social media links. 

A website will generally be the first platform where customers will see you online. Having a responsive and easy-flowing website is crucial to showing off your brand and building trust.

2. Leverage Social Media to reach more people 

The next most important online platform for your brand is social media. Out of the 4 billion internet users, 3 billion are present on social media. The reach of social media is vast and something you must capitalize on. Not every social media platform may be the right one for you. In short, be present where your audience is.

For instance, if you’re thinking about how to create an online boutique, Instagram and Facebook will be perfect. But if you want to reach out to other businesses, LinkedIn is the platform for you. 

3. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to increase website traffic 

To put things in perspective, Google is the leading search engine, with more than 70% of internet users preferring it. The number of Google searches per day increased from 5.5 billion in 2016 to 7 billion in 2020. Today, businesses cannot neglect SEO to any extent. When looking to increase the presence of a website, SEO works beautifully. With time, effort, and constant updates, it will be the go-to tool to increase digital presence.

4. Don’t leave out Email Marketing

Email marketing has been around since the ’90s, and it continues to thrive because of the medium’s success. Not only is it a great marketing tool, but it’s also a good sales tool. You can share newsletters, blog articles, latest findings or reports, discounts, and exclusive offers all through emails. Some businesses rely solely on email to sell products. Email marketing may be the answer to your question – how to create business online?

5. Provide Value

The ultimate goal of business is to earn revenue. But in the post-pandemic era, it will be imperative for businesses to provide value first. Revenue will be a by-product of customer satisfaction. If you’re thinking about how to make money with eCommerce, you first need to create value by being empathetic to customer pain points and providing solutions. 

6. Stay Active

I want to make my online business big – the day you decide, this is the day you need to choose a strategy to be active online. For audiences to notice your brand, you must post regularly on social media, produce video content for your business, appear higher in Google searches, and use other digital media tactics. As long as you stay active, you stay visible and create brand recall. 

7. Produce Content for your Business

To stay active and visible, you need to produce content that’s relevant to your brand. This content could be social media posts and stories, videos, blogs, articles, emails, and more. You can choose what type of content you need based on where you want to appear: LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Amazon, etc.  

8. Test out Online Advertising

Online platforms need revenue to grow their business too. They earn this revenue in the form of ad spending from brands. In return, brands get a higher reputation and relevancy on the platform. If you’re still thinking about how to make an online business successful after trying out all of the above ways, online advertising will help you get there. 

9. Monitor your Performance

After all the efforts you put in, you must reap the results. You can monitor these results by tracking mentions, analyzing website traffic, assessing social media interactions, and simply searching for your business on Google. If your website ranks higher than before, you’ve built an online presence. Monitoring will also help you understand how to maintain this presence. 

Learn all techniques in one course

Digital marketing is quickly growing to become the next IT thing in the field of marketing. But the supply of digital marketing experts isn’t nearly enough to fulfill the demand. Countries in the Middle East realize the imbalance of supply versus demand and are working tirelessly to improve digital technologies.

Brands, too, are offering attractive packages. According to, the median pay for digital marketing professionals is as much as AED 184,000 per year. The online marketing job market in the Middle East is a lucrative place to be right now. Professionals are now looking out for courses that can help them in different areas of expertise in digital marketing. 

But what if you could get all the skills needed to become a digital marketer with just one course?

In association with MICA, upGrad is offering the Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication course. Through this course, you will learn 

  • How to build an online business and provide value to customers
  • To become an expert in helping brands earn revenue through digital mediums
  • How to maintain an online presence for businesses by adapting to consumer demand, staying agile, and producing content actively
  • To transition from your current career to a prominent one in digital marketing
  • How to become a part of the fast-paced digital transformation in the Middle East

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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques

1. Data-Driven Analysis

CRO starts with thorough data analysis. Utilize tools like Google Analytics to understand user behavior, identify drop-off points, and determine areas for improvement. Analyze user flow, click-through rates, and conversion funnels to make informed decisions.

2. Clear and Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA)

Create prominent and persuasive CTAs communicating the desired action. Use contrasting colors, engaging language, and concise messages to encourage users to take the next step.

3. A/B Testing

Conduct A/B tests to compare variations of web elements like headlines, CTA buttons, images, or layouts. Test one element at a time to identify what drives higher conversion rates, enabling data-backed decision-making.

4. Mobile Optimization

With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Optimize page loading times, improve mobile navigation, and adapt the design to smaller screens to cater to mobile users effectively.

5. Streamlined Checkout Process

Simplify the process to reduce cart abandonment. Offer guest checkout options, minimize form fields, and provide clear progress indicators to smooth the purchasing journey.

6. Personalization

Implement personalized content based on user behavior, preferences, or demographics. Tailor product recommendations, email marketing, and on-site messaging to enhance user experience and drive conversions.

7. Social Proof

Display customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials to build trust and credibility. Social proof helps potential customers feel more confident in their decision-making process.

8. Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups are a valuable tool in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) that can effectively reduce website bounce rates and increase lead generation. When visitors show signs of leaving your site, such as moving their mouse cursor toward the browser’s close button or the back button, exit-intent popups are triggered to grab their attention one last time.

9. Page Speed Optimization

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, users expect websites to load quickly and seamlessly. Page speed optimization is critical in ensuring a positive user experience, reducing bounce rates, and improving search engine rankings.

Start by compressing images without compromising their quality to optimize website loading times. Large image files can significantly slow down a website so compression tools can make a noticeable difference in loading times. Additionally, consider using next-gen image formats like WebP for even better results.

10. Landing Page Optimization

Landing pages are crucial elements of any online marketing campaign, designed with a specific goal, such as lead generation, product sales, or event registrations. To maximize their effectiveness, landing pages must be optimized to deliver what users expect and guide them toward the desired action.

Relevance is key when it comes to landing pages. Users expect to find content directly related to their initial interest when clicking on an ad or link. 

By following these landing page optimization practices, businesses can increase the chances of converting visitors into leads or customers, ultimately knowing how to make an online business successful.

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If someone is wondering how to make an online business successful requires a strategic and well-rounded approach encompassing various key aspects. By following the techniques and strategies discussed above, entrepreneurs can create a robust online presence that fosters growth and sustainability.

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The foundation of a successful online business lies in understanding and identifying the target audience, their needs, and their pain points. Thorough market research and competitor analysis help craft a unique value proposition that sets the business apart.

A well-designed and user-friendly website, combined with effective SEO tactics, ensures visibility in search engines and attracts relevant organic traffic. Leveraging social media platforms and employing compelling content marketing strategies can engage and nurture a loyal customer base, fostering brand loyalty.


Nitin Gurmukhani

Blog Author
There is no better service to society than helping voluntarily. Grammarly fan, random reader, and an avid learner.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How long does it take to see online marketing results?

Online marketing or digital marketing is a process. It’s not something that happens overnight. Whether it’s SEO or social media, both these strategies will take time to yield results. However, any digital marketing strategy typically takes 6-9 months. The duration depends upon a number of factors such as budget, industry and competitors, and focus areas. The more effort you put into a digital marketing activity, the quicker you will see results. Also, it isn’t necessary that all the strategies you invest in will yield a similar kind of response. For example, for certain brands SEO might work better than PPC. To know which strategy is working and which isn’t, periodic assessment is important.

2How to provide value to your customers?

The foundation of a successful business is not just about selling the perfect product to a customer at a reasonable price. Instead, it’s all about creating an experience for them and adding value to their online shopping journey. The little things you do builds brand loyalty. Some of the strategies you can use include:
1. Offering discounts to high-spending customers
2. Sending out free samples of a new product or in case of a software, allowing your customers a free trial
3. Partnering with another brand to enhance the overall experience
4. Set up a loyalty program – works well for the beauty business
5. Share valuable content on your blog page.
6. Host giveaways and contests
6. Ask for regular feedback

3Why is digital marketing important in the post-COVID world?

There are no two thoughts about the fact that the ecommerce segment gained momentum since March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in new digital marketing trends for brands to survive in the overcrowded marketplace. Now more than ever, having a sound digital marketing plan is important. Here’s why:
- Since most people are staying home, conventional marketing strategies such as billboard advertising are no longer effective. Instead, putting your money on search engine marketing (SEM) seems a better option.
- Seminars are now passé. Instead, it’s all about engaging customers through online, interactive webinars.
- Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing is more flexible and economical. It is easier to collect and analyse data too.

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