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10 ways to Optimize Landing Pages for Better Conversion Rates

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10 ways to Optimize Landing Pages for Better Conversion Rates

Picture this. You have organized a party at your home and have put together a lavish spread for your guests to savour. But then, you didn’t exactly receive the overwhelming response that you were hoping for. It hurts knowing that your labour of love is not appreciated enough, doesn’t it? Well, the same goes for your website landing pages.

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Your landing pages are supposed to be the lavish spread that your visitors should savour. But if they don’t find it appealing enough, then that won’t be reflected on your conversion rate. This is why you need to emphasize optimizing the landing pages.

Here are 10 ways to optimize landing pages for better conversion rates:

Take it from the top

Even before they land on your page, the first thing the visitors will see is the meta description and the headline.
If you’re are expecting your visitors to click on your page, you have to have a solid value proposition. An enticing hook will keep the reader interested in your web page. But, you should not fall prey to the pesky clickbait.

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While your goal may be to appeal to your target audience but bypass the honesty factor altogether, make sure to deliver on the promise you make in your headline and the meta description.

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Push for an actionable CTA

This is one of the most essential aspects to focus on while optimizing your landing page. Think of your CTA like a GPS. With its help, you basically guide your visitors in terms of what to do next. Without it, your visitors might lose the purpose why they landed on your web page in the first place. You also need to ensure that it’s presented in an appropriate space, so people don’t miss it.

According to experts, you should also use directional cues to get people to notice your CTA easily. You can do so with photos, arrows, or finger pointers. The point is to make it simple for visitors to find this button.

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Do away with the distractions

One of the most crucial landing page practices is to maintain the attention of the visitors who land on your web page. In this case, your objective will be to ward off distractions. That’s why your landing page must contain only what you want from your visitors. Everything else that doesn’t compel them, shouldn’t be a part of the page.

So while working on a landing page make sure to use no additional links, no footers or navigation bars, and no social shares buttons on the pages.

“Visitors are probably not interested to read chunks of texts. So there’s no point using them”, opines Lillian Hayes, an academic expert for EssayAssignmenthelp. Maintain the conciseness of your content, all the while ensuring that you’re able to convey your value proposition.

Touch upon the pain points of the audience

Consumers are always looking for solutions to their issues. These issues are what prompt the consumers to search for answers online and to find you or click the link in the email you sent.

Keep in mind that visitors are always looking for something when they check out your landing page.
For instance, if you’re a luxury-car manufacturer (Audi, Lexus), the visitors on your website landing pages may have a particular agenda. In this case, to experience luxury or they might want a reliable and comfortable car that looks great. Similarly, if you run an academic website (e.g. DissertationprovidersAssignment help) your visitors may be looking to get some assistance on their studies and assignments.

When your understanding of the visitor’s pain points is translated through your landing page, your consumers will automatically pay attention. This way it will create a major difference in your conversion rate.

Your content needs to be impeccable

You wouldn’t want to drive your visitors away with typos and poor writing when they land on your web pages. Take adequate time to check the website content that’s going to be published is absolutely free of errors.
If you are asking visitors to invest their valuable monetary resources, you need to make everything on your website look like it’s worth the money.

Now if your website content is laden with grammatical and spelling mistakes, why should a user have faith in you? By forgetting to spell-check your copy or not running it by a plagiarism checker, you’ll only be risking your conversions.

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Let the forms be interactive

Filling up long forms that require the visitors to type in piles of information could be annoying. The tediousness of it all could scare the visitors away.

However, if your conversion objective is to generate more signups, then you definitely have to use forms. So, you need to keep certain aspects in mind when you design those landing page forms so that you don’t end up frustrating your consumers.

So, it would be ideal for you to add labels to every field. This way, you will let people know what is it that you want them to type in. You can also incorporate prompts, as these are pretty effective in case of guiding people.
For instance, the landing pages on the website Allessaywriter comes with intuitive subscription forms.

Adorn your landing page content with images and videos

Think of your landing page as a crown, then the images and videos would be its jewels. Nobody can deny the impact of attractive images and videos on your landing page’s effectiveness. But those have to be related to the content. So always be generous with the relevant images or videos that align with your website content and effectively convey your message to the visitors.

Now we have established that you aim to make your landing page appealing to your consumers and visitors. In order to do that, you need to ditch the clichéd stock photography. You can replace them with striking visuals that will surely leave a lasting impression.

It’s normal for people to skim the web pages. But if there’s an image that comes off as striking, then they’ll be keen to take a second look at it and stick around for a little bit longer.

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Mobile is the way forward

No business is stranger to the need for optimizing the landing pages for mobile devices. Now you may argue that the parallax background and autoplay video looks so good on the desktops.

But the truth is no amount of design is good enough if it’s slowing down the mobile experience or failing to display properly. Now people are more inclined towards mobile devices to carry out all kinds of activities. So it’ll always be beneficial to have a landing page that’s mobile-friendly.

Trust the power of testimonials

The first thing that your consumers will notice is your landing page when visiting your website. So treat this as a golden opportunity to impress them. Trust is the mainstay for influencing the purchase decisions. According to stats, 55% of people prefer to check reviews of products before buying them online.

Testimonials and reviews are a formidable force in winning the trust of your visitors. When your existing customers vouch for your products, it conveys to your prospects that they should feel confident about buying from you as well.

So don’t forget to display your testimonials on the landing page.

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Be generous with the whitespace

Throughout this post, we have already made it pretty obvious that your landing page has to come across visually appealing. Too much clutter can prompt the distractions to creep in, thus defeating your conversion goals.

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For legibility and instant appeal, you need to include an ample amount of whitespace between the different elements on your page. You can’t have a second chance to make a first impression. So you might as well be careful.

5 Excellent Reasons to Use Video Content on Landing Pages

Parting notes, so, these are some of the ways for business owners to consider for presenting stellar landing pages with the goal to increase the conversion rates. With these practices, optimizing the landing pages gets a lot simpler.

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Nathan William

Blog Author
Nathan William is associated with as an expert on assignment help. He is also a seasoned marketing professional who has been working with a distinguished company in Australia. He has acquired his MBA degree from the Australian National University.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Can you integrate SEO in your landing pages?

Getting your landing page SEO right can be a tricky affair. Remember that landing pages are the most important component that can drive conversions. Therefore, in most cases, they are not exactly SEO-friendly, per see.

After all, the role of a landing page is to divert the consumer towards taking the desired action outlined by the business. The focal point always is on the Call to Action. This should be done minus any distractions.

However, if you intend to optimize the landing page, it means adding more links, content and call to actions. In other words, these are distractions that are best avoided.

Hence, you can align your landing pages with the keywords. But it may not necessarily help in ranking on search engines.

2What is a conversion focussed landing page?

Landing pages that are conversion focussed is about what the user does when he or she lands on that page. Be it signing up for a webinar, or purchasing a product or a service, it is the simple navigation, to the point content and the appropriate Call to Action that directs the user to the brand’s desired path.

Aligning it with the right Google Ad campaigns, getting a good Quality Score will ensure a targeted traffic flow at an affordable cost of acquisition. It is best to avoid a high word count in your landing pages that can adversely impact lead capture and page conversions.

3What to do when your landing page is published?

Start by adding internal links across your site that direct the user to your landing page as soon as it is published online. Have a plan in place to promote your landing page across channels. Remember to track the performance of the page at regular intervals and fine tune whenever necessary.

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