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Prerequisites for DevOps: It Is Different Than What You Think….

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Prerequisites for DevOps: It Is Different Than What You Think….

The virtual world has gradually encroached upon every minute aspect of our daily lives. From emails to e-commerce, from online transactions to social media communications, the globe and its citizens are today interconnected through the ubiquitous virtual networks.

Prerequisites for DevOps

The technology that makes this possible is cloud computing and those engineering these revolutionary changes are DevOps professionals. Bearing in mind certain DevOps prerequisites, enterprises can overhaul their entire process into a more functional and flexible mechanism by virtue of DevOps. 

Let’s take a real-life scenario. These days, most of us are avid users of Instagram and for many, the rapid updating of the features, ranging from the filters to innovative quizzes and the overall smooth navigational attributes, endears the apps to the users and consequently boosts the client base of the applications. The dynamic attribute of the apps, paired with a hassle-free user interface is a boon of DevOps.

Now let’s consider another instance close to us all.

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Who doesn’t like Netflix? Especially, with the plethora of movies and shows available at the tip of our fingers, it’s barely surprising that Netflix has emerged as one of the most favourite pastimes. Now imagine if surfing Netflix entailed tedious waiting queues and slow-paced buffering and searching process? The pleasure of watching Netflix would have ebbed away significantly.

This uninterrupted and instantaneous client-server interface is what makes Netflix a much sought after streaming platform. Here again, DevOps is responsible for transforming this experience for Netflix users. Be it intuitive software development, simultaneous testing, and troubleshooting or swift processing, DevOps has indeed pioneered a different track in the field of software development.

In fact, simply put, DevOps doesn’t stop at mere development and then wait for an error to occur to fix it. By amalgamating features of both development and operations, DevOps facilitate parallel deployment and testing. This has improved the quality and functionality of software applications by leaps and bounds. 

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What is DevOps?

DevOps is a unique process of software development that integrates elements of operations along with development processes in order to ensure accuracy and speed. Due to DevOps, the software can be simultaneously programmed, tested, deployed as well as monitored.

As a result, errors are minimized and usability is optimized. Integrating DevOps is a highly feasible process. It only takes a few specific DevOps prerequisites to be in place for businesses to adopt DevOps without any hurdles. 

Learn more: DevOps Architecture Tutorial

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Why do businesses use DevOps?

DevOps can provide business enterprises with a set of innovative tools that help them to cater to their end-users better. Due to the benefits that come with DevOps, businesses enjoy the flexibility to scale up their operations, implement newer features in their business models and most importantly, recover promptly in case of errors.

DevOps ushers timely and efficient service delivery and enhanced client-server communications. Yet another tangible benefit of DevOps is automation. Due to the nature of programming, it doesn’t require consistent human intervention. Consequently, teams need not be preoccupied with the development and resolution process. Instead, they can redirect their productivity towards other aspects of business development. 

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How can DevOps be used?

Although it brings a wide array of advantages to the table, traditional enterprises are often wary of foraying into this relatively novel form of software development. However, adopting DevOps is one of the most convenient and smooth processes. Adopting to DevOps typically requires a certain degree of financial, logistical efforts as well as some amount of time.

However, once the process is set to motion, the overall end to end experience will be transformed for the better. There are certain DevOps prerequisites that need to be arranged for in order to adopt DevOps. 

What are the DevOps prerequisites?

DevOps Prerequisites essentially refer to the tools and skills necessary for incorporating DevOps in one’s business enterprises. Discussed below are some of the broad categories of DevOps prerequisites that every programmer needs to be mindful of while working on DevOps. 

Capability Maturity Model

Since DevOps is all about upgrading the efficiency of an enterprise, the transitions must be on par with the maturity of the given enterprise. A capability maturity model can be looked upon as a framework or blueprint which provides a thorough assessment of the enterprise’s current capability for adopting DevOps and its current maturity point.

This enables the programmers to develop a focused and target-oriented plan to make the transition smooth and effective. The Open Group or PRINC2 are some of the available tools which might be used to come up with a viable capability maturity model. The direct benefits of having a DevOps Capability Maturity Model is a thorough plan for both the client as well as the developers.

The capability maturity model provides directions to the developers regarding where all transitions and what kinds of transition are required to set the stage for DevOps while at the same time provides concrete insights to the clients regarding the expected returns on investments in the course of making the shift to DevOps. 

Read: What does a DevOps developer do?

Understanding Containers

Containers have often been referred to as the most vital prerequisite for DevOps. It is an environment that enables developers to directly generate and deploy codes from their work stations or laptops to the servers.

One of the biggest advantages that DevOps usher in is the smooth and prompt hardware visualization and it must be largely attributed to containers. DevOps Containers actually virtualize the operating systems thus facilitating enhanced scaling options and enabling developers to directly launch and test applications on diverse operating systems. 

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Programming Languages 

For effective utilization of DevOps, developers must have a thorough grasp of the scripting languages. Since automation is integral to DevOps, in order to facilitate the speedy and flawless deployment of the codes, the knowledge of common programming languages like Python and Java is crucial.

Most DevOps developers use one or the other available coding languages to automate the workflow and configure the other aligned management tools. DevOps also entails thorough validation. Here again adept code scripting tantamounts to a smooth validation process.  Learn more about top programming languages to learn.

Automation Tools

One of the key DevOps prerequisites is an in-depth knowledge of and agility in handling automation tools. Automation tools endow the DevOps framework with its unique attributes so it is of utmost importance that when adopting the framework, the developer is able to deploy and validate using the right kind of automation tools.

This DevOps prerequisite is however closely related to containers and programming languages. Being conversant with different automation tools is necessary at every stage of DevOps starting from development, testing and operation. Jenkins, Bamboo, Hudson Thought Works are some of the important automation tools which further enrich the DevOps experience. 

Testing Tools

Testing and validating is a vital feature of DevOps which actually render it unique. Hence for a developer, it becomes necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of the relevant testing tools.

While deploying the DevOps framework, with the right kind of testing tools, the developer will be able to identify the bugs and facilitate a prompt resolution. Given that simultaneous development and operations are a salient feature of DevOps, testing tools are at the core of making the process swift and smooth. 

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Culture of Collaboration

Since the DevOps framework is all about making the business environment resource-efficient and easing out the workflow, the major stakeholder in this transition is the business itself. It needs to have a culture of collaboration wherein agile functioning, promptness towards innovative practices, debugging skills, etc. are necessary to make the transitioning process hassle-free and the experience of using DevOps worthwhile. 


Transitioning onto the DevOps framework is indeed a worthy decision for the long term. However, it entails a certain amount of investment in terms of time, money and effort in the immediate context. Hence, for enterprises, it is essential to be able to measure out the return on investments.

There need to be key performance indicators that will mark out the change in productivity post the introduction of the DevOps framework. This again is dependent on the capability maturity model and helps developers understand the enterprise’s goals and accordingly adapt the DevOps framework so as to optimize the available resources using DevOps in order to achieve the set targets. 


The process of adopting the DevOps framework involves spontaneous decision making on part of the developers. It must be borne in mind that the DevOps engineers don the hats of both the software developer as well as an IT operations expert.

So for the effective running of the DevOps framework, the DevOps professionals should be able to think off their feet and make rational calls. It, therefore, is necessary to have a logical attitude in the due process. 

Read more: DevOps Engineer Skills: 6 Most Demanding DevOps Skills

Networking Fundamentals

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A key DevOps prerequisite is that the professionals are conversant with networking. Integration of edge services and then deploying the applications to different environments require adept knowledge of networking.

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Wrapping Up

If you’re interested to learn more about big data, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s PG Diploma in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects, and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms.


Arjun Mathur

Blog Author
Arjun is Program marketing manager at UpGrad for the Software development program. Prior to UpGrad, he was a part of the French ride-sharing unicorn "BlaBlaCar" in India. He is a B.Tech in Computers Science from IIT Delhi and loves writing about technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is a SQL profiler? How do I create a recursive function?

SQL Profiler is a tool that allows you to track and analyze SQL Server activities. To make a recursive function, you must first build a function that will call itself recursively. The current node and the list of nodes will be the required parameters for this function. The function must then determine whether the current node is the list's last node. If that's the case, the function will return the last node's value. If the current node is not the last node in the list, the function will be called with the current node and a list of nodes after it. It must keep track of the current node in order to return the value of the previous node. Similarly, in order to return the value of the first node, the function will need to keep track of the list of nodes.

2Should I learn Kubernetes or Docker?

Google created Kubernetes, which is now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Docker is a software platform that allows developers and system administrators to create, deploy, and execute distributed applications while managing software dependencies using containers. Docker containers encapsulate a piece of software in a whole filesystem that includes everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and everything else you can install on a server. This ensures that the software runs consistently regardless of the environment in which it is used. Docker is a technology for executing containers, while Kubernetes is a platform for managing containerized applications. Kubernetes is more complicated than Docker, but it provides greater functionality. Docker is a good place to start with containers if you're new to them. Kubernetes is a superior choice if you need to manage a big number of containers or apps.

3What is Junit?

Junit is a software development unit testing framework based on Java. It's a library and tool that allows Java programmers to write unit tests. Junit is free software that is distributed under the Apache License. Erich Gamma and Kent Beck designed it.

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