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Agile Project Management & Traditional Project Management: What are the differences

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Agile Project Management & Traditional Project Management: What are the differences

Project management is significant in planning, coordinating, and supervising projects to accomplish specific objectives. It brings structure, clarity, and guidance to ensure the successful execution of projects within predetermined limitations such as time, budget, and resources.

Agile project management and traditional project management diverge in their approaches, methodologies, and underlying principles. Agile embodies adaptability, collaboration, and iterative development, while traditional project management adheres to a sequential, linear methodology, wherein planning is comprehensive and executed in a predetermined sequence. 

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What is Agile Project Management?

Agile project management is a modern and dynamic approach to project management. It emphasises flexibility, collaboration, and customer-centricity. In contrast to traditional project management methods, Agile focuses on iterative development and adaptive planning. Agile teams work closely together, responding to changes and feedback throughout the project’s lifecycle.

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One of the key principles of agile project management is the delivery of value in small increments. This allows stakeholders to provide input and make adjustments as the project progresses. Agile also encourages self-organising teams with the autonomy to make decisions and adapt their approach to meet project goals.

Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban provide frameworks and practices for implementing agile project management. These methodologies include daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, continuous integration, promoting transparency, collaboration, and rapid development.

Compared to traditional methods, the agile approach offers a more flexible and customer-focused way of managing projects, enabling teams to respond to changes and deliver valuable outcomes quickly.

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What is Traditional Project Management?

Traditional project management refers to a structured and step-by-step approach to project management. It involves following a predetermined plan, adhering to schedules, and documenting project details extensively. 

Traditional project management relies on top-down decision-making, emphasises established processes, and aims to minimise deviations. It is suitable for projects with clear requirements and predictable outcomes, prioritising stability and predictability. Industry survey shows that in the traditional approach of management, a significant portion of projects from numerous organisations worldwide still follows a sequential and structured methodology. 

Careful planning, monitoring, and a hierarchical structure are crucial to project success in traditional project management. The approach follows a linear progression, with each phase dependent on the completion of the previous one. Comprehensive planning, documentation, and adherence to schedules and budgets are core aspects of traditional project management, with the project manager playing a central role in directing and controlling the project’s progress.

Showcasing project management skills will give you an edge over other candidates in job interviews. Professional courses like a Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU will not only upgrade your technical prowess but also teach you the fundamentals of management of projects in this industry.  

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Differences between Agile and Traditional Project Management

Agile project management embraces change, collaboration, and continuous improvement, while traditional project management relies on upfront planning, stability, and adherence to predetermined processes. 

The choice between the two approaches depends on project characteristics, stakeholder preferences, and flexibility and adaptability required to achieve project success. The differences between agile and traditional project management can be elaborated based on the following parameters:

Project Requirements

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile projects embrace changing requirements throughout the project. They prioritise customer collaboration and continuous feedback to accommodate evolving needs.Traditional projects focus on upfront planning and fixed requirements. Requirements are typically defined at the beginning, and changes may require formal processes.

Project Planning and Execution

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile projects adopt an iterative approach with shorter planning cycles. They use techniques like user stories and sprints to deliver incremental value and adapt plans as needed.Traditional projects follow a sequential approach with comprehensive upfront planning. A detailed project plan is created and executed in a linear fashion.

Team Structure and Communication

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile teams are self-organising and cross-functional. They emphasise collaboration and effective communication among team members and stakeholders.Traditional teams have a hierarchical structure with well-defined roles. Communication follows a top-down approach, with the project manager as the central authority.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile projects prioritise flexibility and adaptability to change. They embrace iterations and allow continuous improvement based on feedback and evolving requirements. Traditional projects are less flexible and more resistant to change. Changes may require formal procedures and impact the project timeline and budget.

Time and Cost Management

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile projects focus on delivering value in shorter cycles. Time and cost management involves frequent monitoring, prioritisation, and adjustments to optimise resources and meet objectives.Traditional projects rely on detailed upfront planning to estimate time and cost. Monitoring is done against predetermined schedules and budgets.

Risk Management

Agile Project ManagementTraditional Project Management
Agile projects integrate risk management throughout the project lifecycle. Risks are identified early, and mitigation strategies are continuously assessed and implemented.Traditional projects rely on detailed upfront planning to estimate time and cost. Monitoring is done against predetermined schedules and budgets.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile and Traditional Project Management

Considering the pros and cons of agile and traditional project management is crucial when deciding which one to adopt, as it can vary based on project complexity, team dynamics, and organisational context.

Agile Project Management

The benefits and drawbacks of agile project management have been listed below:


  • Flexibility: Agile provides the ability to adapt and respond quickly to changes and customer feedback, allowing for greater flexibility in project execution.
  • Continuous Improvement: Agile promotes ongoing improvement through iterative development cycles, enabling teams to learn and refine their processes for better results.
  • Customer Collaboration: Agile emphasises close collaboration with customers and stakeholders, leading to improved alignment with their needs and increased satisfaction.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Agile’s shorter development cycles allow for faster delivery of working product increments, providing value to customers in a timely manner.
  • Transparency and Visibility: Agile fosters transparency and visibility through regular progress updates, frequent demonstrations, and open communication, ensuring better project visibility for all stakeholders.


  • Changing Requirements: Agile projects may encounter challenges with evolving requirements and scope changes, necessitating effective management and prioritisation.
  • Skill Dependency: Successful implementation of Agile relies on skilled and experienced team members who understand Agile principles and practices.
  • Resource Availability: Agile projects require dedicated resources capable of committing to the iterative nature of the project, which may pose resource allocation challenges.
  • Documentation and Formality: Agile may emphasise extensive documentation and formal processes less, which can be a drawback in highly regulated industries or organisations with strict compliance requirements.
  • Organisational Readiness: Implementing agile may require a cultural shift within the organisation, which can be challenging if there is resistance to change or a lack of support from leadership.

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Traditional Project Management

The benefits and drawbacks of traditional project management have been illustrated below:


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Advantages of traditional project management:

  • Clear Project Structure: Traditional project management provides a clear and well-defined project structure with a predetermined plan, making it easier to establish roles, responsibilities, and project boundaries.
  • Comprehensive Planning: Traditional project management emphasises thorough planning at the beginning, allowing for detailed project scope, requirements, and milestones to be defined upfront.
  • Predictability: With its linear and sequential approach, traditional project management offers greater predictability in terms of project timelines, deliverables, and resource allocation.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Traditional project management requires comprehensive documentation and reporting, which can provide a detailed historical record of the project and support compliance requirements.
  • Stakeholder Management: Traditional project management typically includes formal processes for stakeholder management, ensuring effective communication and involvement throughout the project.


  • Limited Flexibility: Traditional project management can be less adaptable to changes, as it follows a predefined plan and may require extensive modifications to accommodate alterations in requirements or scope.
  • Reduced Customer Collaboration: Traditional project management may have limited customer involvement during project execution, resulting in potential misalignment with customer needs and reduced customer satisfaction.
  • Long Feedback Cycles: With its sequential nature, traditional project management can have longer feedback cycles, delaying the identification of issues or potential adjustments until the later stages of the project.
  • Risk of Scope Creep: Due to the rigid nature of traditional project management, changes in project scope can lead to scope creep, potentially affecting project timelines and budgets.
  • Less Focus on Continuous Improvement: Traditional project management may place less emphasis on continuous improvement and learning from project iterations, which can limit opportunities for optimisation and innovation.

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The difference between agile project management and traditional project management lies in their approach, principles, and adaptability. Choosing between agile and traditional project management depends on various factors such as project complexity, customer involvement, and industry requirements. Organisations must carefully evaluate their needs and project characteristics to determine the most appropriate project management approach that aligns with their goals and maximises project success. If you want to pursue project management, consider upgrading your technical skillset by signing up for the top-tier Executive PG Programme in Full Stack Development from IIITB, offered by upGrad. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How do you differentiate between agile and traditional project management, precisely the waterfall approach?

The main distinction lies in their working systems. Waterfall follows a linear approach where each project phase must be completed before moving on to the next one. Compared to traditional methods, Agile is more iterative and collaborative, encouraging teams to work simultaneously on different project phases. Agile values adaptability, continuous feedback, and adjustments throughout the project, while waterfall focuses on upfront planning and executing the project in a predetermined sequence.

2What are the three differences between agile and traditional approaches?

One key difference is the sequence of project phases. Traditional approaches follow a linear order, whereas agile methodologies are iterative and allow flexibility in the order of phases. Secondly, agile emphasises frequent collaboration and feedback, while traditional approaches rely on formalised documentation and less frequent communication. Lastly, agile encourages adaptive planning and embracing change, while traditional approaches prioritise strict adherence to the initial plan.

3What are some examples of agile project management?

Several popular examples include Scrum, Feature Driven Development (FDD), eXtreme Programming (XP), Lean Software Development (LSD), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), and Crystal.

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