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What makes keywords so important? Everything to know

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What makes keywords so important? Everything to know

Keywords are distinct words that users type in search engines to get definite answers to their queries. Moreover, keywords help you gain visibility on the world wide web, thus enabling more people to find your web page or blog. Marketing works best and helps you gain the most traction when the right phrases and words are used.

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What makes keywords so important?

Phrases or words relevant to queries being searched on the search engine, enabling you to find your answers quickly, are known as keywords. These unique words help gain higher ranks on the search engines; hence, all digital marketers must understand what they are and how they function to optimize their pay-per-click advertising and SEO marketing strategies.

These distinct phrases and words are important as they help outline your content strategy. They define the relevant topics to improve your rank on the search engine. Furthermore, they help figure out the right approach to incorporate the most relevant terms while delivering quality content to your viewers, simultaneously improving your rank and increasing the traffic to your website. 

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It is crucial to understand the required optimal balance using different types of keywords as the end goal is to provide the best user experience to the viewers.

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Types of keywords

Keywords can be categorized in different ways. The knowledge of the subject allows any digital marketer to strategize their SEO optimization. Here are the different categories and types of keywords:

Keywords: Categorized based on length

Targeting your viewers based on keywords through content requires choosing the right keyword length. Based on the length of the keywords, these can be divided into:

  • Generic or short keywords: Small, simple words that encompass several subtopics under the query. For example, one might search for the word ‘courses,’ which could entail any number of results, including cost, duration, timings, etc. Given their length, these keywords have a large search volume and competition.
  • Long-tail keywords: These are longer phrases and more specific than the short generic ones. They have a smaller search volume. For example, “courses on digital marketing” is a more specific long-tail keyword. It has a higher chance of ranking, enabling you to captivate a larger crowd towards your web page. These keywords are more relevant, and you should gain higher rankings on SERP. 

Keywords: Categorized by the intention

The creation of SEO-friendly content boils down to these keywords. Considering keywords based on the reason behind the search helps you attract more relevant viewers. It is a masterful way of attracting web traffic. Putting yourself in your audience’s shoes gives you a glimpse into their mind that, in turn, helps you create better and more effective content. Here’s the classification of keywords by intention:

  • Informational keywords: These are words that help you find relevant answers to your queries. They aim at procuring information related to the search query. It could be information regarding business, product description, topic, news, etc. Using informational target keywords can help you find answers to most questions. An example of informational keywords is ‘what is digital marketing?’
  • Commercial keywords: Keywords that intend to purchase are known commercial keywords. These are mainly used for research purposes. The viewer strives to find the best product suited to his needs, and these keywords lead them to the best seller. An example of commercial keywords is ‘top digital marketing courses.’
  • Transactional keywords: These keywords are mainly used in eCommerce-related content. These are included to target people of higher purchasing intent to have better visibility on the search engines. They mainly include searches regarding buying a service or product.
  • Navigational Keywords: Those hunting for a location, place, or simply to find the geographical specifics make use of these keywords. These are mainly used to improve local SEO ranks. An example of such keywords is ‘best online digital marketing courses in the US.’

Keywords: Categorized based on the use of on-page SEO 

These keywords are used to create SEO-friendly content free from plagiarism. They help improve the ranks on SERPS and drive more traffic to your website. These types of keywords can be divided into two main categories. These are:

  • Primary keywords: The focus word of the entire blog or written content is known as the primary keyword. Thus, center your content around these keywords. You can use primary keywords to get a higher ranking in search engines. ‘SEO optimization tactics’ could be an example of a primary keyword. The title, headings, subheadings, tags, etc., shall all be written using these focus words to make your rank high on the search engines.
  • LSI keywords: Focusing your entire article or blog around one keyword might become tedious. LSI keywords, derived from the primary keyword, are used to eliminate tediousness. These could be synonyms and variations of the primary keyword used to optimize your article. An example of an LSI keyword would be ‘best SEO optimization tactics.’ LSI keywords help provide context to your search engine while securing additional ranks for your primary focus word.

Keywords: Categorized for paid search types

These keywords are mainly used for paid advertising searches. They make it easier to spot and lure your target audiences. These can further be sub-categorized as:

  • Negative keywords: The keywords used to exclude certain ads or articles. These help in the process of elimination and search optimization. Adding these to your blogs helps your viewers find you easily.
  • Broad match keywords: These keywords are meant to add variation to your Google ads. As the name suggests, these keywords enable you to highlight several versions of your campaign. For instance, searching for ‘digital marketing’ could give us results like ‘tactics,’ ‘SEO optimization,’ ‘courses on digital marketing,’ etc. It helps you put a light on anything that remotely encompasses your focus word.
  • Phrase match keywords: These are used to match the exact phrase in the search query. For instance, ‘digital marketing courses’ would only show you results for the same and nothing else.
  • Exact match keywords: It helps you find the exact article based on your query. There is no room for deviations. It gets the viewer exactly what they search.

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How frequently must keywords be used?

Finding the right balance between the content and the number of keywords used in your content is crucial. There is a fine line between just enough and keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing tends to make your work irrelevant and, frankly, annoying. 

Google search algorithm has become very advanced today after a tonne of research. It makes use of a contextual approach, and hence the quality of the content now matters. The power that keywords hold continues to vary along with their importance. Hence, balancing them well to produce quality and evergreen content is important.

Understanding the types and use of keywords with upGrad

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Are you struggling with the visibility of your web page? Trying to gain more traction towards your website? Do you know how to optimize your content? Or are you only trying to make your content SEO friendly? 

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Karan Raturi

Blog Author
Karan Raturi is the General Manager of upGrad North America. He has also led various finance, strategy, and operations teams at Wayfair, Kurt Salmon, and IBM.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How do you find keywords correctly?

Identifying the right way to define keywords is vital as they influence not only your SEO rank but also define the quality of your content. Following these three simple steps below helps you find keywords accurately: Drawing a clear outline of your target audience: It helps you define your content direction. It makes you understand what type of keywords to use and when to use them. Refine your goals and understand your keyword competition: Once your goals are concise, it helps you understand the specific needs of your website. It enables you to define the type and subtype of keywords required to gain visibility on any search engine. Analysis and more research: Identifying keywords is a continuous improvement process that requires you to follow a trial and error approach to determine what fits the trend.

2How to create content that is one of a kind using niche keywords?

Using less competitive and common keywords allows you to build brand authority and awareness within your domain of specialization. Niche content and articles are technical articles that only engage a certain type of audience. The lack of popularity works in your favor as it greatly impacts your field of expertise. As these keywords have less SEO competition, you can easily establish your rank and position on that subject.

3How to optimize for keywords?

The placement of primary keywords plays a significant role in optimization. Primary keywords must be added to title tags, meta descriptions, titles, heads, subheadings, and initial lines of content consistently throughout the content. It helps optimize the use of different types of keywords while gaining a higher SEO rank on different search engines. It also helps you understand where to use broad match keywords and exact match keywords.

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