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Types of MySQL Joins | MySQL Joins [With Syntax]

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Types of MySQL Joins | MySQL Joins [With Syntax]


MySQLis an open-source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) backed by Oracle. MySQL is made up of  two words- “My”, the name of co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter, and “SQL”, the abbreviation for Structured Query Language.

The word Relational in RDBMS is the fundamental on which JOINS in MySQLwork. There can be many types and numbers of tables in any Database. JOINS as the name suggests link tables together using common columns. One  basic example is, Table 1 has employee details and Table 2 has project details.

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If we have to check the projects an employee is involved in, we can join the tables on employee name or employee id, hence doing so will join the tables and the new virtual table (can be saved) can be accessed with all the information required. 

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What is MySQL?

A relational database management system is MySQL. One of the top RDBMSs on the market, this open-source programme is utilised to create web-based software programmes. In comparison to its rivals, MySQL is scalable, simple to use, and quick. It is built on a client-server model. The MySQL Server is the heart of the MySQL Database. This server, which manages all database instructions, commands, and statements, is available as a standalone programme. The SELECT query uses the MySQL JOINS function. It is employed to get information from several tables. Every time you need to retrieve records from two or more tables, you execute it.

Developers may install and utilise the lightweight database MySQL on production application servers running complex multi-tiered systems. 

There are various benefits to using MySQL in your workflow, including:  

  • MySQL supports functions like Master-Slave Replication and Scale-Out.
  • MySQL also supports offload reporting and geographic data distribution.
  • When utilised for read-only applications, the MyISAM storage engine has a very minimal overhead.
  • MySQL supports the Memory Storage Engine for frequently used tables.
  • There is a Query Cache for statements that are often used.
  • Given the abundance of useful resources, including blogs, white papers, and books on the subject, MySQL is simple to understand and debug.
  • MySQL is a scalable and very versatile database management system.

Types of MySQL Joins that Support

  • Inside Join: Returns entries with the same values across both tables.
  • Left Join: Left join in dbms is a return that includes the matched entries from the right table and all of the records from the left table.
  • Right Join: MySQL right join brings up the matching records from the left table and all of the records from the right table.
  • Cross Join: It brings back every record from both tables.


  • MySQL is Open-Source and a proper RDBMS to access and manage records of the tables.
  • It supports SQL coding language, which is very common in the field of database management.
  • MySQL is basic and easy to use. It has overwhelming amounts of documentation if someone is stuck at a particular problem.
  • MySQL has a very strong security layer. Passwords are encrypted hence sensitive data is safe from intruders.
  • MySQL is scalable, because it supports multi-threading. Multi-Threading is responsible for fast query execution and data manipulation even if the table is very big in size. 
  • MySQL has Client / Server architecture. There is a Database server and many clients (application programs) that are connected to the server.

Why should we use MySQL joins?

If you’ve worked with databases before, you’ll be aware that we may execute queries one at a time and use the results of each in the next. That is certainly a possibility. But with JOINs, you may complete the task with only one query and any set of search criteria. On the other side, because MySQL can employ indexing, JOINs perform better for it. Server overhead can be reduced by using a single JOIN query rather than doing numerous queries. Using numerous queries instead results in more data being sent between MySQL and software-based applications. Additionally, it necessitates greater data processing at the application level.

Must Read: Rename Column Name in SQL

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Types of Joins

Inner Join

Inner join is the default join type in MySQL. It joins and returns matching records from the two tables. It will compare each row of one table with another and check for the join condition. If the condition is met, a new row is created with the columns from both tables and this new row is included in the output. 

Code Snippet:

SELECT t1.emp_id,t1.emp_name,t2.project_name           

FROM employee as t1

INNER JOIN project as t2         

ON t1.project_id = t2.project_id

In this query, there are two tables. First table consists of details of employees and second comprises all the projects currently going on. After running the above query, MySQL will return all the employees with their respective project details. Here the project_id column is a foreign key in the employee table and primary key in the projects table. Employees without any project_id or project_id without any employee will not be returned.

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Left Join

Left join, joins and returns matching records from the two tables and the unmatched records from the first table. Left join essentially returns the output of inner join + unmatched records from the first table. These unmatched rows will also be having the columns from table 2 but the value in those columns will be null as there’s no matching data for those.

Code Snippet:

SELECT t1.emp_id,t1.emp_name,t2.project_name           

FROM employee as t1

LEFT JOIN project as t2         

ON t1.project_id = t2.project_id

In this query, there are two tables. First table consists of details of employees and second comprises all the projects currently going on. After running the above query, MySQL will return all the employees with their respective project details and also the employee details having no project_id assigned. Here the project_id column is a foreign key in the employee table and primary key in the projects table.

Read: Rename Column Name in SQL

Right Join

Right join is very similar to left join, just that now the unmatched records from the second table will be included in the output and only the matching records from the first table. 

Code Snippet:

SELECT t1.emp_id,t1.emp_name,t2.project_name           

FROM employee as t1

RIGHT JOIN project as t2         

ON t1.project_id = t2.project_id

After running the above query, MySQL will return all the employees with their respective project details and also the details of the projects having no matching employees. The employee details columns will be NULL in those cases.

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Full Join

As the name suggests, full join returns all the matched and unmatched records. If MySQL is able to find matching rows on the desired column, those records will be matched. The rest of the rows will have NULL values.

Code Snippet:

SELECT *          

FROM employee as t1

FULL OUTER JOIN project as t2         

ON t1.project_id = t2.project_id

After running the above query, MySQL will return all the employees with their respective project details, also the details of employees having no projects and the projects having no matching employees. Certain columns will be having NULL values accordingly.

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Cross Join

As the name suggests, cross join will join each row of table 1 with every row of table 2. Irrespective of matching columns. Hence if there are 5 records in each table, the output will be having 25 rows as every row is matched with another row.

Code Snippet:

SELECT *          

FROM employee as t1

CROSS JOIN project as t2

After running the above query, MySQL will return all the employees with all the project details. Although it doesn’t make much sense to visualize this information, but Cross Joins are important and needed in some special and specific cases.

Also Read: SQL Interview Questions & Answers

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What are the MySQL Joins Restrictions?

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A typical drawback is an inability to understand MySQL Joins as easily as subqueries. Additionally, it might be difficult to determine which form of join to employ in order to get the desired outcome.

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JOINS are an important part of Data Extraction. They help combine data from various tables according to the needs of the user. The only con of JOINS can be that they get complicated to write sometimes. At the end of the day JOINS are very useful and various types of joins can be implemented in MySQL. 

All in all, learning and getting hands-on practice on all the databases mentioned in this article will add to your experience. Go through the course overview, learning, and job opportunities involved with it—platforms like upGrad offer power-packed courses designed by highly reputed institutes like IIIT-B in Executive PG Program Full Stack Development.


Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the advantages of using MySQL?

MySQL manages the database for web servers. It is flexible as it can run on all operating systems. Additionally, it focuses on performance and provides query caching, which helps in enhancing the speed of the whole system. MySQL also helps in cost savings on new projects, and is a secure and reliable database management system. Using MySQL is really beneficial for eCommerce websites which involve frequent money transactions and deal with multiple queries everyday.

2How many Triggers can I use in MySQL?

Triggers are stored programs which are executed automatically in response to certain events that occur in associated tables. There are six Triggers that are allowed to be used in the MySQL database. These are Before Insert, After Insert, Before Update, After Update, Before Delete, and After Delete. Triggers provide several purposes like, audit trails, validation, referral integrity enforcement, and others.

3What are Database Management Systems?

Simply put, Database Management Systems (DBMS) are software systems that are used to store, retrieve, and run queries on data. They serve as systems of interface between an end-user and a database, and allow the user to create, read, update, and delta data. DBMS optimize data organization through normalization technique, which breaks down large tables into smaller ones when there is redundancy in the value of any of their attributes. These systems are flexible and have a complex backup system in comparison to traditional file systems.

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