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What is Cyber Security: Definition, Career & Scope

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What is Cyber Security: Definition, Career & Scope

In the digital era, malpractices can occur as a result of any harmful software already existing in the smartphone, or even from a lack of strong security maintained when using the app. Banks store personal information about clients such as their identity, address, credit score, and nonpublic personal information, which if compromised can result in huge monetary losses for the customer as well as the reputation of the bank. With more individuals choosing for digital transactions, attackers may simply breach banking applications and steal users’ personal information. Thus, the need for cybersecurity is growing.

The complexity of security systems caused by different technology and a shortage of in-house knowledge can exacerbate these expenses. However, organizations that implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy guided by best practices and automated with advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning can combat cyber threats more effectively and reduce the lifespan and effect of intrusions when they occur.

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 Definition of Cyber Security

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 The application of technology, processes, and policies to guard against cyberattacks on systems, networks, programs, devices, and data is known as cyber security. Its goal is to limit the risk of cyber assaults and safeguard against unauthorized use of systems, networks, and technology.

 What are the types of cyber security?

  1. Application Security

Application security should be one of the essential security solutions to secure your systems. Application security employs both software and hardware solutions to combat external risks that may surface during an application’s development cycle.

Since applications are considerably more accessible across networks, security measures must be implemented in the development process of this project.

  1. Critical Infrastructure Security

The cyber-physical systems on which modern societies rely are referred to as critical infrastructure security.

 Organizations in charge of critical infrastructure should conduct due diligence to assess the dangers and defend their company from them. The security and durability of this crucial infrastructure are essential to the safety and well-being of our society.

Companies that are not accountable for critical infrastructure but rely on it for a part of their business should prepare a contingency plan by assessing how a cyberattack on critical infrastructure on which they rely would harm them.

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  1. Network Security

Addressing vulnerabilities in your operating systems and network architecture, such as servers and hosts, firewalls and wireless access points, and network protocols, is part of network security. Security teams are increasingly employing machine learning to spot unusual traffic and alert to dangers in real-time to better manage network security monitoring. In addition, network administrators keep putting rules and processes in place to prevent unwanted network access, alteration, and exploitation.

  1. Cloud Security

Cloud security is committed to protecting data, applications, & infrastructure in the cloud. It is a software-based security application that safeguards and monitors the data stored in your cloud resources. Cloud service providers are continually developing and deploying new security features to assist corporate users in better protecting their data.

 Why is Cyber Security essential?

Cyber risks may enter your organization at any level. As a result, educate your staff about common scams such as phishing, ransomware assaults, and other software aimed to hijack intellectual property or private details. The cybersecurity threat is rising, and your business cannot guard itself against data breach operations without its assistance.

 A career in Cyber Security

 There are several chances for workers to begin and enhance their careers in cybersecurity. Here are some careers in cyber security that you might want to pursue:

  1. Cyber Security Engineer

 A cyber security engineer creates and deploys safe network solutions to protect from hackers, cyber-attacks, and other recurring dangers. While they do not respond immediately to every cybersecurity issue, they build and deploy security-related technologies and services. They also create organizational policies and procedures. 

  1. Network architect

 Network architects are in charge of planning and constructing data communications networks. This encompasses wide area networks, intranets, and local area networks, with connections ranging from tiny to international communications systems. The goal of cybersecurity architecture is to guarantee that your company’s major network architecture, including sensitive data and critical applications, is adequately protected against any current and prospective threats and breaches.

  1. CCISO

The CCISO is a global strategic leader who handles possible risks to protected information by implementing a solid security strategy. These professionals must have the necessary expertise, experience, leadership abilities, and an imaginative mind to cope with these issues. Given the changing needs in cybersecurity, this function is critical since firms continuously need new skill sets on a large scale.

  1. Forensic Analyst

A forensics analyst is a virtual detective who follows digital evidence to solve a crime. They retrieve data and figure out how the security incident occurred. They investigate how the attackers obtained access, traveled the network, and what they did, among other things.

  1. Security Software Developer

A security software developer creates security software while adhering to security best practices during the software design and development process. A security software developer may work for a software development business or as part of an organization’s in-house security team tasked with developing custom-tailored security solutions.

The software developer must integrate security assessments and create viable remedies for each stage of software development in the software development process. As a result, both coding and cybersecurity abilities are necessary for this position.

 Scope in the field of cyber security

The Cyber Security sector is increasing these days, with many applicants and hopefuls eager to begin their careers in this field due to its high demand and vast reach. Furthermore, as the globe is now interconnected via cyberspace, it is critical to secure this zone.

Cybersecurity experts will have the opportunity to collaborate with groups on improvements and frameworks. In addition, cybersecurity will be applied to everything from robots to automobiles to websites, hence servicing many clients. As a result, it is a potential professional path. These specialists will always be in great demand because of the breadth of skills required to address today’s security concerns. It is also pertinent to note that most MNCs as well as medium scale companies are looking for cybersecurity experts. Companies like PwC, Microsoft, Amazon, META(Facebook) Deloitte among others are providing a number of cybersecurity openings. 

 Wondering where to find a course on Cyber Security? Check this out!

upGrad’s Cybersecurity Certificate Program in collaboration with Purdue University provides you with all the skills you need to pursue a career in cyber security!

 Key Highlights:

1. We cover SIEM (Security information and event management) tools like Splunk/ QRadar
2. We teach Ethical Hacking as no one else does!
3. We use CTF Events (Capture the flag) to give you a hands-on learning experience
4. We teach Python fundamentals
(usually a pre-requisite in job postings)
5. We have an optional crash course in cloud security (AWS)

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Eligibility criteria

All you need to pursue a course in cyber security is a high school or equivalent.



Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Where is cyber security used?

Cybersecurity is safeguarding internet-connected systems against cyber threats such as hardware, software, and data. Individuals and businesses utilize the method to prevent illegal access to data centers and other digital systems.

2What kind of technology is used in cyber security?

With AI being adopted in various market categories, this technology, together with machine learning, has brought about significant improvements in cybersecurity. AI has played a critical role in developing mechanized security systems, natural language processing, facial identification, and autonomous threat detection.

3What programming languages are used in cyber security?

Python, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and C are among the most popular programming languages used among hackers. Understanding these languages can assist cybersecurity experts in countering and defending against assaults.

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