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LOC vs ILOC in Pandas: Difference Between LOC and ILOC in Pandas

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LOC vs ILOC in Pandas: Difference Between LOC and ILOC in Pandas

Loc and iloc in Pandas

A common cause of confusion among new Python developers is loc vs. iloc. They both seem highly similar and perform similar tasks. So this can puzzle any student. 

If you want to find out the difference between iloc and loc, you’ve come to the right place, because in this article, we’ll discuss this topic in detail. You’ll find out what’s the key difference between these functions and then see them in action to understand the concept better. Checkout our data science courses to learn more about Pandas. 

Let’s get started. 

Difference Between loc and iloc

1. iloc in Python

You can use iloc in Python for selection. It is integer-location based and helps you select by the position. So, if you want to find the row with index 5, iloc will show you the fifth row of the data frame irrespective of its name or label. 

Before going deep into Loc and iloc in pandas, let’s understand an example of iloc.

Here’s an example of iloc in Python:

>>> mydict = [{‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3, ‘d’: 4},

… {‘a’: 100, ‘b’: 200, ‘c’: 300, ‘d’: 400},

… {‘a’: 1000, ‘b’: 2000, ‘c’: 3000, ‘d’: 4000 }]

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(mydict)

>>> df

      a b c d

0 1 2 3 4

1 100 200 300 400

2 1000 2000 3000 4000

We’ll index the rows with a scalar using the iloc function for the above dataframe:

>>> type(df.iloc[0])

<class ‘pandas.core.series.Series’>

>>> df.iloc[0]

a 1

b 2

c 3

d 4

Name: 0, dtype: int64

2. loc in Pandas

You can use loc in Pandas to access multiple rows and columns by using labels; however, you can use it with a boolean array as well. 

If you use loc to find a row with index 5, you won’t get the fifth row with it. Instead, you will only get the row which has the name ‘5’. 

You can better understand the difference between iloc and Loc if you look at an example of loc in Pandas.

Here is an example of loc in Pandas:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]],

… index=[‘cobra’, ‘viper’, ‘sidewinder’],

… columns=[‘max_speed’, ‘shield’])

>>> df

            max_speed shield

cobra 1 2

viper 4 5

sidewinder 7 8

The above was the table from which we’ll extract the row:

>>> df.loc[‘viper’]

max_speed 4

shield 5

Name: viper, dtype: int64

Detailed Example for loc vs iloc

Even though we use both of these functions for selection, it would be best if we discussed a detailed example to understand their distinctions. These examples explain the clear difference between iloc and Loc.

In our Example, we’ll use the telco customer dataset, which is available on kaggle. We’ll add it to a data frame:

df = pd.read_csv(“Projects/churn_prediction/Telco-Customer-Churn.csv”)

df.head ()


07590-VHVEGFemale0YesNo1NoNo PhoneDSLNo


This dataset has 21 columns; we’ve only shown a few for demonstration purposes. As we’ve already discussed, we use loc to select data by the label. Here, the names of the columns are their column labels, such as gender, tenure, OnlineSecurity; they all are the column names as well as the labels. 

As we haven’t assigned any specific index, pandas would create an integer index for the rows by default. The row labels are integers, which start at 0 and go up. In this example, we’ll see how loc and iloc behave differently.

  • Select row “1” and column “Partner”

df.loc[1, ‘Partner’]

Output: ‘No’

It shows the value present in the ‘Partner’ column of row ‘1’.

  • Select row labels ‘4’ and columns ‘customerID’ and ‘gender’

df.loc[:4, [‘customerID’, ‘gender’]]



















  • Select row labels “1”, “2”, “3” and “Dependents” column

df.loc[[1,2,3], ‘Dependents’]

1 No

2 No

3 No

Name: Dependents, dtype: object

This time, we’ll filter the dataframe and apply iloc or loc:

df [df.Partner == ‘Yes’].loc:10, [‘PhoneService’, ‘InternetService’]]

In the case above, we applied a filter to the database but didn’t change the index so our output had omitted multiple labels of the rows which our filter required. So, by using loc[:10] here, we selected the rows that had labels up to “10”. 

If, on the other hand, we use iloc here and apply the filter, we will get 10 rows as iloc selects by position irrespective of the labels. Here’s the result we’ll get if we apply iloc[:10]:

df[df.Partner == ‘Yes’].iloc[:10, [6,8]]

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8YesFiber optic
12YesFiber optic
15YesFiber optic
26YesFiber optic

You must’ve noticed that we have to change our method to select columns. 

Read: Python Pandas Tutorial

  • Select the first 5 columns and first 5 rows with iloc

df.iloc[:4, :4]

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We can use iloc to select positions from the end. For that, we’ll simply have to use negative integers (-1, -2, etc.) and start with them.

  • Select the last 5 column and last 5 rows

df.iloc[-5:, -5:]


7038YesMailed Check84.801990.5No
7039YesCredit Card103.207362.9No
7040YesElectronic check29.60346.45No
7041YesMailed check74.40306.6Yes
7042YesBank Transfer105.656844.5No

You can use the lambda function with iloc too. (A lambda function is a small anonymous function in Python which can have a single expression but any number of arguments)

  • Select every third row up to the 15th one and only show “internet service” and “Partner” columns

df.iloc[ lambda x: (x.index x 3 == 0) & (x.index <= 150][‘Partner’, ‘InternetService’ ]]


6NoFiber optic
12YesFiber optic
15YesFiber optic

We can also select labels or positions present in between.

  • Select the column positions between 4 and 6, and the row positions between 20 and 25

df.iloc[20:25, 4:6]



Now, if you’d try to pass labels to iloc, Pandas will show you the following error message:

ValueError: Location-based indexing can only have [integer, integer slice (START point is INCLUDED, END point is EXCLUDED), listlike of integers, boolean array] types

You’ll get a similar error if you pass positions to loc. 

Also Read: Pandas Interview Questions

The key difference between pandas loc[] and iloc[] is that loc obtains DataFrame columns and rows through names/labels whereas iloc[] obtains these through integer position/index.

When using loc[], if the label is absent, it shows a key error. But when using iloc[], if the position is absent, it shows an index error. The following section covers the similarities and difference between loc and Iloc in Pandas DataFrame.

Pandas DataFrame is a 2D tabular data structure having labeled axes. i.e., rows and columns. When you choose the columns from DataFrame, it leads to a new DataFrame consisting of only specified chosen columns from the old DataFrame.

You can have a clearer view of Loc and iloc in pandas when you go through their usage.


pandas.DataFrame.loc[] usage:

DataFrame.loc[] is based on a label to choose columns/and or rows in Pandas. It can accept single or multiple labels from the list. Also, it can accept indexes by a range (among two index labels), and more. Here are a few points on pandas.DataFrame.loc[] usage:


  • START is the name of the row/column label
  • STOP is the name of the last row/column label
  • STEP as the number of indices to advance after every extraction
  • If a START row/column is not provided, loc[] chooses from the beginning.
  • If STOP is not provided, loc[]selects all rows/columns from the START label.
  • If both START and STOP are provided, loc[] selects all rows/columns from the between.


pandas.DataFrame.iloc[] usage:

You can better understand Loc and iloc in python after understanding the iloc usage.

DataFrame.iloc[] is based on the index to select rows and/or columns in Pandas. It can accept single/multiple indexes from the list, indexes by a range, and more.


  • START is the integer index of the beginning row/column.
  • STOP is the integer index of the last row/column where you need to stop the selection
  • STEP is the number of indices to progress after every extraction.


Certain points to note about iloc[].

  • If a START index is not provided, iloc[]selects from the first row/column.
  • If the STOP index is not provided, iloc[]selects all rows/columns from the START index.
  • If both START and STOP indexes are provided, iloc[]selects all rows/columns from the between.


Selecting Single Value through loc[] vs iloc[]:

With the help of loc[] and iloc[], you can select the single column and row by index and name, respectively. The following example explains how to select rows by index and label.


Use the following example to select column by label and index.


Selecting Multiple Rows/Columns through loc[] vs iloc[]:

You can use the integer or labels index as a list to loc[] and iloc[] attributes if you want to select multiple columns and rows.


Here’s an example of how to select rows by label and index.


Selecting a range of values to present between two columns or rows:

With the help of loc[] and iloc[], you can also select rows and columns based on range i.e. all items within two columns/rows.


Selecting alternate rows or columns:

With the help of ranges, you can select each alternate row from DataFrame. This can be done in any of the following ways:

Using the conditions with loc[] vs iloc[]

Using loc[] and iloc[] to select rows by conditions from Pandas DataFrame.


With this discussion on Loc and iloc in python, now you can better understand the differences between them.


Comparison of loc vs iloc in Pandas:

Let’s go through the detailed comparison to understand the difference between loc and Iloc.


Pandas locPandas iloc
The Pandas loc technique helps to recover the gathering of sections and lines by Boolean clusters or names existing in the DataFrame. It accepts list marks, and when it exists in the guest DataFrame, it will restore the sections, lines, or DataFrame. Its mark-based technique can be used with the Boolean cluster.The Pandas iloc strategy is used when the record name of the DataFrame is different from the numeric configuration of 0,1,2,….,n. Alternatively, it can be used for the situation when the client doesn’t have any idea about the list name.
The loc strategy used is a name-based method that takes marks or names of the files while making the cuts.The iloc strategy works on the record’s position. It functions like a customary cutting wherein you have to demonstrate the positional list number and obtain the proper cut.
The loc technique contains the table’s last component.The iloc strategy dismisses the last component.
The contentions of .loc[] can be column name or rundown of line mark.The iloc strategy in Pandas is positional based. The contentions of .iloc[] can be:

  • single line and section
  • rundown of lines and sections
  • scope of lines and sections
The loc technique indexer can undertake the boolean choice after bypassing the boolean arrangement.You can’t pass a Boolean arrangement in the iloc method.

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A student must ask questions and find their answers. We hope this article would have answered your questions on loc in Pandas (or iloc in Python). It would be best if you tried out these functions yourself on different datasets to understand how they work. 

If you want to learn more about Python, Pandas, and relevant topics, you should head to our blog. Our experts add multiple detailed resources there.

If you are curious to learn about data science, check out IIIT-B & upGrad’s Executive PG Programme in Data Science which is created for working professionals and offers 10+ case studies & projects, practical hands-on workshops, mentorship with industry experts, 1-on-1 with industry mentors, 400+ hours of learning and job assistance with top firms.


Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How can we add rows of Pandas DataFrame?

To insert rows in the DataFrame, we can use the loc, iloc, and ix commands.

1. The loc is mostly used for our index's labels. It may be understood as when we insert in loc 4, which indicates we are seeking for DataFrame entries with an index of 4.
2. The iloc is mostly used to find locations in the index. It's as if we insert in iloc 4, which indicates we're searching for DataFrame entries that are present at index 4.
3. The ix case is complicated because we pass a label to ix if the index is integer-based. The ix 4 indicates that we are searching the DataFrame for values with an index of 4.

2What is reindexing in the context of Pandas in Python?

A DataFrame's row and column labels get altered when we reindex it. The term 'reindex' refers to the process of aligning data to a specific set of labels along a single axis. In Pandas, reindexing can be used to alter the index of a DataFrame's rows and columns. Many index data structures connected with many pandas series or pandas DataFrame can be utilized with indexes.

3What are some data operations in Pandas?

There are several important data operations for DataFrame in Pandas, which are as follows:

1. Selection of rows and columns - By passing the names of the rows and columns, we can select any row and column in the DataFrame. It becomes one-dimensional and is regarded as a series when you pick it from the DataFrame.
2. Data Filtering - By using some of the boolean expressions in DataFrame, we can filter the data.
3. Null Values - When no data is given to the items, they receive a Null value. There can be no values in the different columns, which are generally represented as NaN.

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