HomeManagement10 Highly Favoured Operations Manager Skills in 2024

10 Highly Favoured Operations Manager Skills in 2024

The role of an operations manager is required for any organization. They are responsible for managing and optimizing key business operations to drive efficiency, productivity, and profitability. With the rapid changes in technology and business landscapes, certain skills have become highly critical for operations managers to succeed in 2024 and beyond. 

This article discusses the top 10 operations manager skills that will be highly favored for the operations manager’s job role in the year 2024. 

Let’s explore the key skills for operations managers:

1. Advanced Analytical Skills 

With data and analytics becoming necessary for decision-making across functions, operations managers need advanced analytical competencies. This entails leveraging data to derive operational insights, identifying inefficiencies, and predicting risks and opportunities. Operations managers should be able to analyze complex data sets using statistical and modeling tools and translate the key findings into concrete recommendations and prescriptive solutions. 

2. Adaptability and Change Management Skills 

Markets are evolving faster while customer expectations continue to rise. This dynamic landscape demands that operations managers be highly adaptable to change. Key skills include scanning the horizon for imminent disruptions, designing processes, and building teams to stay agile. Leveraging advanced operations management techniques is crucial for them to navigate this rapidly changing environment.

3. Advanced Problem-Solving Skills 

As operations environments grow more complex, operations managers need advanced creative problem-solving skills to tackle unpredictable challenges. This competence allows them to explore the root causes of problems, map out all options exhaustively, and synthesize innovative and out-of-the-box solutions. With strong problem-solving skills, operations managers can drive sustained value even amidst persistent industry disruptions.

Operation management skills

4. Supply Chain Management Expertise 

As markets become global and sourcing options increase, managing supply chains has become more complicated. Operations managers have to make important decisions about choosing suppliers, designing how products are distributed, and managing stock levels efficiently. 

5. Advanced Technical Skills 

Operations managers need to keep improving their tech skills to make their work more efficient. This means they should be good at using AI, automation, IoT sensors, cloud computing, and data analysis to make operations better. They should be able to quickly add new tech solutions, tailor these solutions to their needs, develop expertise within their teams, and use data to make smart decisions in real time. 

6. Strategic Orientation Skills

Operations managers need to make sure their daily work supports the company’s big goals. They should keep an eye on the business world to spot challenges and chances for growth early. Must always check if their processes and resources match the long-term plans of the company and suggest improvements when needed. 

7. Stakeholder Relationship Management 

Operations managers work with many different people, like suppliers, tech companies, other business leaders, and customers. They need to keep good relationships with these groups to get what they need, work well together, and agree on what’s important. They need to be good at talking persuasively, solving disagreements, managing what people expect, and making deals that benefit everyone.

8. Team Leadership and Collaboration 

Most operational accomplishments result from teamwork rather than individual efforts. Operations managers need to encourage a culture of cooperation, flexibility, and continuous learning in their teams. Key skills include:

  • Clear and empathetic communication
  • Managing diverse personalities
  • Upskilling team members
  • Promoting collaborative decision-making

9. Negotiation Skills 

Negotiation skills allow operations managers to secure favorable terms with vendors, resolve conflicts between team members or departments, and influence stakeholders. Strong negotiators can express mutual interests, identify common ground, and work towards win-win solutions. This competency is invaluable for procuring resources, ensuring cooperation, and aligning efforts to achieve operational success.

10. Coaching Skills 

Operations managers need coaching skills to provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement to help team members excel. 

Coaching involves:

  • Assessing strengths and development areas
  • Setting clear expectations
  • Asking thoughtful questions and fostering lasting improvements

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Honing coaching skills creates a supportive environment where employees are motivated to grow professionally and contribute their utmost potential.


Operations manager skills must thrive in the dynamic and complex environment of 2024 and beyond. Equipping themselves with these capabilities will enable operations managers to navigate the challenges of the modern business landscape effectively, ensuring their organizations remain competitive and resilient.

Tejaswi Singh
Tejaswi Singh
"Tejaswi is a versatile writer specializing in product management and digital marketing. With a keen eye for innovation, he crafts strategies to enhance performance and drive traffic, making valuable contributions across both categories

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